Banking solutions driven by AI.
Credit scoring algorithms based on PSD2 AIS protocol and much more fore your financial clients.

Credit scoring
We are increasing Gini coefficient on 88% based on PSD2 AIS data. We have proved that AIS data is the most accurate tool for credit score calculation.

Prediction of financial behavior
We predict financial behavior of debtor with 75% accuracy. And we are monitoring his financial behavior 60 days after his approval and loan application.

Digital client acquisition
We create custom made products based on our algorithms, for increasing the market share and stealing the clients from non digitalized banks.

Credit scoring
Based on PSD2 AIS data or existing data, we transform how risk management departments works. We deliver most precise credit scoring in less then a second. We developed 2 models: for SME companies and for personal clients. We implemented live scoring based in real time, so you can know when it is a right time for market action.
Financial behavior prediction
Get to know your clients even better. The power of our AI is used for monitoring and analyzing clients financial behavior for the purpose of lowering your risks. Bizarro AI analyses your clients spending habits and predicts the financial behavior in future in real-time. Predictions are created for perosnal as well for SME clients.

Client acquisition
Deep customization for each client. Creating new platforms or new digital products based on fast and accurate credit scoring and digital identification, securing the growth for fin-techs, credit institutions and “old school” banks.
Our Clients

BIZARRO FINTECH ltd. / THE BIZARRO FURKA d.o.o HQ: Obala Petra Krešimira IV. 116 Betina 22244, CORPORATE OFFICES: Korzo 38, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. All corporate data and pitch decks are available via contact mail on pero@bizarrofintech.com